Fresno Slip And Fall Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Fresno, California slip and fall accident, your case is classified as a premises liability matter.  Premises liability in California lets you or your loved one that suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident due to the negligence of a property owner to recover monetary compensation for your injuries.

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Commercial Accident
Our client was rear-ended by a commercial vehicle resulting in serious bodily injury. We were able to secure a settlement so they could continue recovery and reach maximum medical improvement.
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Motorcycle Accident
Our client was rear-ended by a commercial vehicle resulting in serious bodily injury. We were able to secure a settlement so they could continue recovery and reach maximum medical improvement.
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Head-On Collision
Our client was rear-ended by a commercial vehicle resulting in serious bodily injury. We were able to secure a settlement so they could continue recovery and reach maximum medical improvement.
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The Elements of a Fresno Premises Liability Case

In Fresno and throughout California there are four elements to a premises liability claim that you and your slip and fall accident lawyer must prove under California Civil Jury Instruction 1000. They are:

  • That the defendant leased, owned, or was in control of the property
  • That the defendant was negligent in their care or use of the property
  • That you or your loved one was injured
  • That the defendant’s negligence was the significant factor that caused you or your loved one’s injuries.

How Do I Establish Negligence in a California Slip and Fall Case?

To establish negligence in your Fresno slip and fall accident, you must have the ability to prove that the defendant was negligent in some manner. A dangerous condition must have been present, and the defendant knew or should have known about the condition, and they failed to warn you about or repair the dangerous condition.

For example, if you are in a grocery store and the floor is wet due to a spill and you or a loved one slip and falls, this could be considered an unreasonable risk of someone being harmed because you may not expect a wet spot while shopping.

Additionally, the store has many employees and security cameras, and it’s reasonable to assume the spill would have been easily detectable and cleaned.

Where Do Most Fresno, California Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

While slip and fall accidents in California can happen just about anywhere, the three most common places a slip and fall accident occurs is:

  • Residential Property
  • Commercial Property
  • Government Property

Let’s examine each of these places.

Residential Property

There have been cases in Fresno, California where the landlord or property owner had to pay a tenant or visitor to their property if they were injured in a slip and fall accident. For this to happen, the following conditions have to be present:

  • The landlord or property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition that caused you or your loved one to be injured.
  • The landlord or property owner could have repaired the dangerous condition
  • It was foreseeable that an accident could happen if the dangerous condition wasn’t repaired
  • Because the Fresno, California landlord or property owner didn’t repair the dangerous condition, you or a loved one slipped and fell.

Commercial Property

A California business owner, property owner, or employee of any California business can be held accountable for your slip and fall accident when one of the following conditions are present:

  • They created the condition that caused you or your loved one to slip and fall
  • They knew about the potentially dangerous condition but didn’t fix the problem.
  • They should have known about the dangerous condition and had it fixed because any reasonable person would have known about the dangerous condition and had it repaired before someone could be injured.

Government Property:

Any slip and fall accident that happens on federal or California government property has its own set of legal issues that the skilled and knowledgeable Fresno, California slip and fall accident lawyers at AttorneyJeff Car Accident Lawyer will want to address immediately. Some of the issues that need to be addressed include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Statutory Laws
  • Rules on Filing a Claim
  • What Qualifies as a Branch of the State or Federal Government or Affiliated Organization.

What Are the Most Common Slip and Fall Injuries in Fresno, California?

If you or a loved one is a victim of a slip and fall accident in Fresno or throughout California, you could suffer serious injuries such as:

  • Broken Bones
  • Bulging Discs and/or Pinched Nerves
  • Head and Brain Injuries
  • Loss of Life
  • Paralysis
  • Sprained or Torn Ligaments
  • Strained Tendons or Muscles
  • Other Soft Tissue Injuries

What Type of Damages Can I Recover in a Fresno, California Slip and Fall Accident?

The damages you might be able to recover from your California slip and fall accident may vary depending on how serious your injuries are and will include your slip and fall accident’s financial impact and non-financial effects on you and your family. The types of damages you may be able to recover in your Fresno slip and fall accident include, but may not be limited to:

  • Medical Expenses – both past and future
  • Lost Wages and Lost Earning Capacity
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Punitive Damages: Depending on the circumstances of your individual case, you may be awarded punitive damages. Punitive damages are only awarded if the defendant’s behavior was so outrageous that the California court seeks to punish the defendant’s behavior.

What is the California Statute of Limitations on Slip and Fall Accidents?

The Statute of Limitations states how much time you or your loved one has to file your slip and fall lawsuit. In California, according to the California Code of Civil Procedure 335.1, you have two years from the date of your injury to file your lawsuit.

If you don’t file your Fresno, California slip and fall lawsuit within the time allocated by law, the court will not hear your case and you will not be able to recover any monetary compensation for your slip and fall injuries.

Hiring A Fresno, California Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury from a Fresno, California slip and fall accident, don’t hesitate to contact AttorneyJeff Car Accident Lawyer. Our knowledgeable and experienced slip and fall attorneys are prepared to aggressively protect your rights and work hard to get you and your family the monetary compensation they deserve.

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